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Check out my new video, where I demonstrate the quintessential basics of […]
The Allegory of the Chair
A Parable for Our Time There are moments in our lives when […]
Hidden in plain sight
Flip on a light switch or turn on the water. Do you […]
Introduction to The Alexander Technique

“One of the most remarkable of man’s characteristics is his capacity for becoming used to conditions of almost any kind, whether good or bad, both in the self and in the environment, and once he has become used to such conditions they seem to him both right and natural. This capacity is a boon when it enables him to adapt himself to conditions which are desirable, but it may prove a great danger when the conditions are undesirable. When his sensory appreciation is untrustworthy, it is possible for him to become so familiar with seriously harmful conditions of misuse of himself that these malconditions will feel right and comfortable.”―  F. Matthias Alexander,  The Use of the Self